Rafael Basso


Rafael Basso's Profile Picture

Age: 30 years
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Experience: 11 years
Degree: Bachelor
Email: rafael.rbasso@gmail.com
Phone: +353 0830696009
Website: rrbdesign.com
CV: Click here to download

Educational Background

Holding two degrees in Digital Media and Graphic Design and some extra courses in front end development and artistic fields

Graphic Design | Motion Graphics - Diploma

Panamerican School of Arts and Design - February 2010 - December 2012

During the first two years, we studied all the concepts of graphic design like drawing, painting, art's history, photography, advertisement in general and their applications in addition to Adobe's software.
In the third year, , we learned animation and Motion Graphics, using After Effects and Adobe Flash.
I won the Honourable Mention in the project Criatividade Panamericana.

Digital Media - Bachelor

Methodist University of São Paulo - February 2007 - December 2009

During this course, we learn art's history, painting, drawing, adobe's software, sound mixer, animation, 3D, edit and produce video, photography, binary language, programming logical, CSS, HTML, PHP, ActionScript.
It was a very embracing kind of studies, and I choose the graphic and web design field.
I won the Academic Prize (Destaque Award) for the best last project (TCC) in 2009.

Extra Courses

Web Development - IBAT College Dublin - June 2019 - September 2019
Course focused in JavaScript.

Mobile Interface Design - Quaddro Treinamentos - January 2018
Design thinking concepts and I developed the prototype of an app using the software: Sketch, InVision and Marvel.

Artistic Draw - Quanta Arts Academy - July 2014 - July 2015
Draw concepts: Human body, animals, perspective and colourize

HTML5 and CSS3 - Senac - April 2014 - July 2014
Draw concepts: Human body, animals, perspective and colourize

Web Design - Impacta - June 2010 - November 2010
Programming logic, XHTML, CSS, ActionScript 3.0, Dreamweaver and Flash